1. Personal Details of Landlord
2​ Address/es of Property Listed
3. Select Service option (select Yes/NO)
4.5 % / month of gross invoiced income
Service Type
Fee Structure
3.1 Tenant Placement (Open Mandate):
100% of 1 (one) month’s rent - once-off
3.2 Tenant & Property Management:
N$230 / month per unit (min.N$2500/month/complex)
3.3 Body Corporate Managing Agent
Where NPR receives the property to manage with a Tenant, only the 4.5% referred to in 3.2 is applicable
Renewal = 50% placement fee
4. Rental Conditions
Monthly Rental Furnished (N$)
Landlord’s Requirement
Monthly Rental Unfurnished (N$)
Furnishing of the unit applicable?
Once-off Deposit required (N$)
Body Corporate to be paid by
Monthly Water included (N$)
Agent has a 5% of rental for negotiation
Body Corporate to be paid by (where applicable)
4.1 per standard CC*
Annual Auditing/Accounting Services:
* T&C apply*
4.2 per standard Pty*
NPR Suggestion
Annual Escalation (%)
Acc to current Inflation (%)
1-month rental
NPR on behalf of the Landlord
3 Bed
<N$5000 (excl. emergency repairs)
1 Bed
2 Bed
5. Unit Description (based GLA – Gross lettable area)
Guest Toilet
Store room/s
Court Yard
Gate motor
Electric fence
Alarm system
Burglar bars
Armed Response
Gate motor
Satellite Dish
Sprinkler system
6. Municipal Details
Meter Number:
Municipal Account No:
Water Meter Reading @ key handover:
Electricity Meter Reading@ key handover:
Billing Address:
Body Corporate Levy Comms:
Body Corporate Levy:
Building Insurance:
Insurance schedule to be supplied by BC
Where applicable, a copy of account to be supplied
Invoice address changed to
Please attach current BC Statement
To be changed to NPR: PO Box 1575, Windhoek
7. Maintenance and Services Conditions
Comments/special conditions
Services included by Landlord in rental price
Weekly Garden Service Required
Annual Improvement budget
Weekly Pool Service Required
Annual A/C Service required
Note: prices for services will be confirmed as they may vary depending on the property.
8. Marketing and Advertisement (please complete where applicable)
Landlord Requirement
Not included
Included in NPR’s service
8.1 Facebook:
Non-boosted weekly ads
Boosted ads. (>200,000 reach/week)
8.2 Newspapers
8.3 Billboards
8.4 Radio
8.5 Lampposts
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
9. Terms and Conditions
9.1 I hereby confirm that I have full authority to rent out this unit and that I am the rightful owner or shareholder of the property/ies.
9.2I confirm that the above information, that will be used when marketing and renting the property/ies, is correct and accurate.
9.3 Services are subject to terms and condition of the signed Management Agreement as well as a property/ies handover form.
9.4 The Tenant will pay the monthly rental amount to NPR between the 1’st to the 5’th of the month. Subsequently, NPR will deduct all related fees, services, levies etc. from the gross rental and pay the net rental amount to the Landlord by the 15’th of the next month.
9.5Rent is charged in advanced and other expenses such as water, electricity and maintenance charges are recovered the following month.
9.6 All rental leases shall be signed and controlled according to NPR’s standard Lease Contract.
9.7 All rental leases will be stamped according to law and stamp duty will be recovered from Tenants prior to moving in.
10. Landlord Banking Detail
11. Special Conditions to be included in the lease agreement